Some children begin school already knowing how to write their name, some do not. For some it is the first real hurdle they will face in their school life and can become a stressful experience. Use these guides to help build confidence in letter formation, spelling and pencil grip, in a fun and accessible way.
Example name grid |
I've added a set of three name grids to the
printable resources section. To make the most out of these, print all three on A4 paper, write the desired name in the appropriate font (the best colour for tracing over, I find, is grey). Laminate each sheet so they can be used over and over again. Encourage the child to trace over the letters of their name before attempting to copy it free hand in the space provided.
Start off with the largest font and only move on once confidence has been gained in letter formation and spelling. For added practice, print off and laminate an extra copy to send home, children will love to demonstrate how well they are doing to their parents. Build their confidence by photocopying the sheet, for them to keep, when they have done well.
Click here to visit the printable resources section.
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